Sunday, March 13, 2011

Boyz II Men

Boyz II Men...

Ahhhh I wish this were a post to reminisce about one of my favorite 1990s hip hop/R&B groups... but alas its my discovery of what boys vs. men means to me...
I’m so over boys… I’m ready to move on to men…. Where are all the men?  Do they really exist? Because the older I get, all I’m see around me are big boys.  When I was 15, I used to think wow that’s a 30 year old man… now I just see some immature pseudo man.  What is it with all of the Peter Pan’s out there that don’t want to grow up?  Now don’t think this is a rant on ALL guys, its not… I know there are genuine nice, mature, responsible men out there… I’ve seen them, my best friend is married to one, my cousin is dating a great one… but alas I’m going to have a whiny moment of --- why not me? 
If I’m feeling introspective, hey we all have our moments, maybe the reason I only find boys is because I've been some kind of magnet for these overgrown ninos.  So from now on I’m just going to do things that would bring out the men…. Only I’m not sure what those things are.. any suggestions?? 


An Introduction to A Girl's Guide to Modern Living...

This is a brief introduction into my rants, raves, swooning, bitching and moaning about my recent adventures in dating... here it goes...  Ok, ok-- initially this was going to be A Girl's Guide to Modern Dating... but Living seems so much more appropriate... so I hope you enjoy!